Does your pet need a CryoProbe treatment?
If you’ve noticed anything on your pet’s skin that concerns you, or that appears to bother your pet, ask your vet to check it out. Your vet will tell you if it’s safe to just leave it alone!
CryoProbe can remove most common animal skin pathologies in just a few seconds, such as extra eyelashes (distichiasis), warts and small skin tumors, tumors in the mouth, and more.
Cryosurgery for pets is fast, safe, effective… and it won’t hurt!
What is cryosurgery?
Cryosurgery is a process to rapidly freeze skin tissue to destroy it. It has been used successfully for nearly a century.
CryoProbe is different to traditional cryosurgery instruments. Its pen shape makes treatments incredibly easy and precise. No inaccurate freezing and excessive tissue damage. It works equally well for animals and people!
How does it work?
The CryoProbe contains nitrous oxide. The vet points the pen at the lesion and presses the trigger to release a powerful microjet of cold gas, which freezes the skin tissue to -89 degrees celsius.
Only the tissue pointed at will freeze. Surrounding skin is unaffected. Frozen tissue will fall off and disappear in a few weeks.
Does it hurt pets?
Any unusual handling of pets causes a little discomfort; your pet is outside his or her familiar territory. Your vet understands this and knows how to reassure your pet. As for the treatment itself… No, it doesn’t hurt. At most, your pet will feel a small stink at the end of the treatment. That signals that the freezing is complete and the vet can stop.
And once it’s over, it’s over! No more lesion, no more discomfort!
What happens during a CryoProbe session?
Your vet will examine the growth or lesion and decide if it’s safe to treat with cryosurgery.
No anesthetic is needed, but may need a mild sedative. In the following days, frozen tissue will crust over, forming a scab that will fall off in a week or two.
After treatment
No after-treatment is required. As with any scab, you may need to prevent your pet from scratching it. Your vet will advise you on how to do this.
There should be no scarring, although it’s possible that hair may not regrow over the treated area.
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